
Relentless Pursuit
of Excellence


Our people bring the passion, drive and ingenuity to make great things happen for our clients, communities and industry.


                  Meet Our Relentless Allies

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George Uschold

Relentless Ally

Multifamily Master

Over his more than 35 years as a construction professional, Vice President of Operations George Uschold has honed his business sense and project experience to build critical housing in our communities. For multifamily housing clients in the Southeast, George has assembled and mentored fellow project leaders who share his and 性爱天堂鈥檚 client-centered ethos and serve as strategic, value-aligned partners. Backed by a longstanding record of excellence with major repeat clients, we deliver the depth of service, speed to market and design solutions that ensure success.

The Right Teams for the Right Projects

In his years as a project leader, George has created lasting relationships with key clients, positioning 性爱天堂 as a market leader in Type 5 (i.e., wood-frame) construction. By combining our national-scale network of experts and success in diverse construction sectors, George and 性爱天堂 equip our local teams and trade partners to create successful project outcomes.

鈥淲e prioritize value alignment with our multifamily clients, and work hard to understand and internalize their objectives as a crucial jumping-off point,鈥 George says. 鈥淔rom there, we place the right people with the right jobs, providing industry experience and local knowledge our clients can depend on.鈥

George points to Operations Director Nick Wegener and repeat client The Beach Company as prime examples of our intentional and lasting relationship building. Nick first served as a project manager on The Beach Company鈥檚 first 性爱天堂 project, The Boulevard on Coleman in Mount Pleasant South Carolina, completed in 2013. At the time, Nick already brought nearly a decade of industry experience and local trade partner networking to the job.  Nick and the 性爱天堂 team built a strong relationship with the Beach Company and its chief operating officer Dan Boyle through their roles as trusted advisors and Relentless Allies. 

In the decade since, 性爱天堂 has repeatedly proven its partnership with The Beach Company in 11 successful and complete projects and three currently ongoing projects. George brings the right clients and project leaders together initially, but the subsequent fruitful relationship proves the power of 性爱天堂 cultivating that relationship over time. Across so many projects, George, Nick, Project Executive Paul Kelley, Senior Project Manager Andrew Brown and others on our team have seized the opportunity to become our client鈥檚 best advocate in the Southeast multifamily construction market.

鈥淲hatever the client needs for a successful project, we can roll up our sleeves and rise to the challenge,鈥 George adds. 鈥淲e collaborate tirelessly, working through and navigating projects together in a process that has been incredibly rewarding for our client and for 性爱天堂.鈥

性爱天堂鈥檚 multifamily clients also highly value our robust Zero Harm ethic, a key differentiator and reflection of our intentional focus of building safe projects for all. Our safety processes are tried and tested, and laser-focused on protecting our people, our trade partners and the communities where we live, work and play.

鈥淲e鈥檙e continuously pushing the envelope to execute our work as safely as possible, and in a way that smaller multifamily and residential contractors simply can鈥檛 match,鈥 George says. 鈥淏y bringing safety professionals on-site and building value-aligned relationships with our diverse trade partners, we drive the partnerships and personal connections that compel our teams to care. We all want to keep each other safe.鈥

Smart Schedules

Multifamily housing developers depend on favorable financial climates to generate optimal profits, and thus depend on 性爱天堂 and the enhanced collaboration through which we accelerate project schedules. Through solutions like preconstruction alignment, phased delivery, careful market monitoring and proactive procurement, we ensure our client鈥檚 projects are prepared at every step from design to tenant move-in.

Type 5 multifamily construction, typically limited to three or four stories, provides the perfect balance of repeatability and a naturally phased approach. Apartment complexes and townhomes, for example, are often divided into buildings or blocks of units, so George and his project teams can work with clients to deliver complete blocks in phases that accelerate profitability, enable greater quality control and minimize impact on newly moved-in tenants.

鈥淭he beauty of phased delivery is that it sets every stakeholder up for success,鈥 George says. 鈥淥ur clients can begin renting units earlier, their tenants can find housing earlier, and it gives our teams a clear path of steady progress, turning over unit by unit.鈥

Our teams map this pathway to success by getting involved as early as possible. A development鈥檚 site plan, including ingress and egress points, utility tie-ins, tenant amenities and more can all affect an ideal phased approach, so we bring our multifamily expertise and client relationships to bear and provide the best solutions.

Trusted Advisors

Multifamily housing developments also favor accelerated schedules due to ongoing volatility in materials and labor prices. With our depth of industry knowledge in leaders like George, we leverage our early planning and design involvement into circumspect schedule and design considerations to help our clients maximize the value of every dollar.

Multifamily housing is especially beholden to the price of wood, as most structures are fully framed with traditional milled dimensional lumber and panels. While market conditions have eased somewhat, they鈥檙e still highly subject to supply chain disruptions like shortages and delivery issues, let alone the overall increased prices. Historically, framing lumber cost roughly $250-$300 per one thousand board feet, but it has seen massive temporary fluctuations up to $1500 or more in recent years before finally settling closer to past prices.

鈥淲e鈥檙e involved so early in planning and design, typically a full year before construction begins, that we can monitor the local market and provide those insights to our clients,鈥 George adds. 鈥淢arkets fluctuate wildly and quickly, but as our clients鈥 trusted ally, we can provide options and advise when to begin materials procurement and when to wait weeks or months for more favorable market conditions.鈥

George and his teams maintain this focus on astute schedule management and advisement throughout the construction process, especially when wood framing is underway and particularly vulnerable to the elements and delays.

鈥淲ood materials are sensitive and can鈥檛 sit for too long, exposed to the weather,鈥 George says. 鈥淲e carefully map out our material production rates, stage framing and dry-in and coordinate material deliveries to match our schedule, because once we set that schedule, we keep it going and never stop.鈥

Multifamily Experts

When market conditions are fraught, when schedules are sensitive to every potential delay and when clients depend on timely quality, 性爱天堂 serves as a proven ally. George and his teams in Georgia and the Carolinas have honed their expertise over several years, developing a repeatedly tested ethic of early and proactive engagement that empowers client decision-making.

Equipped with our market knowledge, expert scheduling efficiencies and a relationship built on proven trust, our clients can make decisions that produce successful project outcomes, while George and our 性爱天堂 multifamily teams do what we鈥檙e best at: building critical housing developments that prepare our communities for change and growth.  

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Earnie Eng

Relentless Ally

Your IT Guide

If you鈥檙e having technology problems in Portland, Oregon, there is only one person to call: Earnie Eng, developer and IT regional specialist. Earnie is an expert in technology, but he also prides himself on being an expert in people. In everything he does, Earnie looks to put people first 鈥 prioritizing the people behind the machines, rather than the machines themselves.

Throughout his more than 22-year career with 性爱天堂, Earnie has worked tirelessly to improve efficiency, leverage technology to its full potential and ensure that he is doing all he can to help his teammates achieve success.

From Intern to Integral

IT was always a natural fit for Earnie; after his parents immigrated to the U.S. from Hong Kong in the 1970s, his mother became a software developer who owned her own company. Earnie grew up surrounded by technology, experiencing the latest and greatest new tech throughout the 1980s.

As he grew up though, Earnie found himself less interested in the mechanics of technology and more interested in the people who were using it. He went on to study business with an IT focus and began his career as an intern with Howard S. Wright, a 性爱天堂 company (HSW), during his last year of college.

During his internship, Earnie was tasked with developing software for HSW. Project teams were struggling to provide the manpower needed to hold in-person trainings on jobsites, so Earnie worked with an external developer to create a platform to host online trainings.

鈥淔rom day one, I came in with ideas and suggestions on how to improve and redesign what the team had started on,鈥 Earnie says. 鈥淎nyone could have found the errors in the code, but my education in business helped me understand the user鈥檚 perspective. I recognized that it was primarily a business problem and needed a business technology solution.鈥

That people-first mentality carried him through his internship. Earnie often went above and beyond his job responsibilities, regularly helping others in the office with everything from fixing printers to improving marketing databases.

Breaking Through Burnout

When HSW was acquired by 性爱天堂, Earnie transitioned from a software developer into his current role of IT regional specialist. When he stepped into this role, Earnie knew he wanted to do things differently; with that thought in mind, he developed a catch phrase: 鈥淚鈥檓 not just any IT guy鈥擨鈥檓 your IT guide.鈥

鈥淚 don鈥檛 simply want to fix things that are broken, I want to show people how to use our technology to serve their needs,鈥 Earnie explains. 鈥淭hat has become my mission and the question I ask anyone who comes to me for help鈥 鈥榟ow can I help you succeed?鈥欌

Earnie is the first to say that he is a people-pleaser by nature; this tendency to put others before himself early in his career grew him into the helpful, accommodating professional he is today 鈥 but it also led him down a path toward burnout.

鈥淚 always bent over backwards to make sure everyone around me was happy,鈥 Earnie says. 鈥淭hat would burn anyone out after a while.鈥

As he has progressed in his career, Earnie has learned the importance of setting boundaries and communicating what he can handle. While his people-pleasing nature was once a negative that ultimately overwhelmed him, Earnie has turned people-pleasing into a positive 鈥 allowing him to be an empathetic leader and partner to his teammates.

鈥淲hile exclusively people-pleasing was ultimately detrimental, the skills I learned during that time were invaluable,鈥 Earnie says. 鈥淥ver time, I鈥檝e learned to be a better listener, I鈥檓 a better team player and I鈥檝e learned how to prioritize. Now, rather than sacrificing quality in trying to improve everything, I鈥檓 more focused on making what I鈥檓 working on successful.鈥

Thinking Inside the Box

A major aspect of success for Earnie is anticipating needs and alleviating headaches for those in the field. Several years ago, Earnie recognized frustration between his technology teammates and those in the field when setting up jobsite trailers. The process of getting internet set up on a jobsite was complicated; superintendents were often not equipped to set up the network, but sending an IT teammate to every jobsite was costly and time-consuming.

Earnie, along with Steve VanHuss, senior regional technology specialist in Seattle, developed an idea: what if they could provide project teams with everything they needed, pre-wired, so all they had to do was plug it in?

The first 鈥淚T Job in a Box,鈥 as they call it, was a simple file box and a piece of plywood with all the elements screwed in, and a hole cut on the side to plug in an AC adapter. Since the first prototype, Earnie and Steve have continued to improve upon the design. As new technology emerges and wireless connectivity improves, so does the IT Job in a Box; the duo have evolved the design of the box itself to ensure that it can withstand rugged jobsite conditions as well as added features such as an external strip of ports to connect a computer to the device directly and LED lights that indicate the box鈥檚 status.

鈥淲e鈥檝e iterated quite a bit since the first box, based on feedback we鈥檝e received from the field and our own experience with troubleshooting and maintenance,鈥 Earnie says. 鈥淯ltimately, we鈥檙e very proud to have created something that makes life for those in the field a bit easier.鈥

Our use of the current version of the IT Job in a Box has expanded since Earnie and Steve created it, now being used on several jobsites in the Northwest and at select jobsites in Florida. 

The Ultimate Team Player

Construction is truly a team sport 鈥 it takes every member of our team to ensure a project is successful. In his time with the business, Earnie has proved that he is the ultimate team player, solidifying himself not just as a subject matter expert on technology but also as an ally to every one of his teammates. He is a true servant leader; even without being asked, Earnie takes the initiative to lead his teammates and the company behind the scenes.

Though his role has evolved over the years, Earnie has been unwavering in his priority of putting people first every step of the way. His work has led to increased efficiency for his teammates while his dedication to the people behind the machines has built a culture of trust and collaboration. 

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Dan Ferguson

Relentless Ally

Maximizing Every Priority

Building corrections facilities pulls owner and stakeholder priorities in many different directions. Our clients must simultaneously consider budget, safety and facility security, critical system redundancy and more. There are simply no negotiable priorities. Over a nearly 40-year career, Dan Ferguson, 性爱天堂鈥檚 director of justice and civic projects in California and a true market expert, helps clients balance and maximize them all.

Decades of Market Expertise

Some construction professionals take a circuitous route to their ultimate career calling, experiencing a range of construction types before dialing into a niche that suits their skillsets and personalities. Not so for Dan 鈥 educated as a designer, he first entered the industry as an intern architect for a Kansas-based design firm that specialized in precast detention modules.

鈥淎t the time, my employer specialized in turnkey services, where we could provide our clients with cost and schedule guarantees and a full-service package,鈥 Dan says. 鈥淚 learned early in my career that corrections clients value construction allies that align completely with their mission, a philosophy that found its highest application with 性爱天堂.鈥

Over the following decades, before becoming 性爱天堂鈥檚 preeminent corrections expert in California, Dan consulted and led successful corrections and civic projects across the entire US 鈥 in Alabama, Georgia, Colorado, Missouri, Kansas, up and down the Eastern seaboard and more. In addition to sheer weight and variety of experience, Dan鈥檚 project history further reinforced the value of complete mission alignment in public work.

 Mission Alignment Meets Custom Solutions

Corrections construction involves many wholly unique considerations, especially related to safety, durability and redundancy. Office building or multifamily housing developers will likely never have to consider the relative safety of bolted-down furniture, anti-ligature measures for light fixtures and door handles or the utility implications of certain room arrangements, but corrections experts like Dan solve these problems and many more on every project.

Dan鈥檚 and 性爱天堂鈥檚 approach involves engaging in the design and preconstruction phase at the earliest opportunity. During this phase, our team of market experts collaborates closely with clients to align with their program values, comprehend their vision for a safe and transformative facility and then introduce innovative and cost-efficient construction solutions to bring that vision to life.

鈥淭he needs of our client鈥檚 program determine the most suitable project solutions鈥 Dan explains. 鈥淲hether a client values time, budget, quality of finish, safety or a combination thereof in varying proportions, our teams possess the necessary expertise and extensive project history to guarantee successful outcomes.鈥

Dan鈥檚 extensive corrections resume includes almost every possible iteration of these changing client priorities and consequently extensive experience implementing varying design solutions. For example, Dan has built facility structures using almost all the standard industry building materials, including prefabricated modular steel cells, metal studs, precast panels, precast cells, grouted metal TrussWall panels and masonry. Each represents some balance of schedule, budget, safety and durability considerations, but Dan has seen the real-world impact of each solution and can therefore provide expertise and advice in response to our clients鈥 needs.

Transition Team-Ups

As much as Dan and his fellow California teammates have embraced the importance of early program value alignment with our corrections clients, they鈥檝e also learned that alignment is just as important as a project progresses and ultimately approaches completion. Early and active engagement with the client鈥檚 transition team 鈥 and maintaining that engagement throughout the entire project lifecycle 鈥 is critical to avoiding costly rework and ensuring a safe, functioning facility from day one.

Client transition teams typically include facility maintenance & operations staff, a chief deputy, experienced corrections officers, the client project manager, a training coordinator and other logistical staff, all familiar with the eventual needs of the planned new correctional facility.

鈥淲e work hard to understand and align with client needs as early as possible, but how our design and construction solutions interact with real-world implications can be hard to identify on paper,鈥 Dan adds. 鈥淎ctive engagement with client transition teams ensure our early planning and subsequent work are consistent with the facility鈥檚 and client鈥檚 program needs at turnover.鈥

On the San Diego Youth Transition Campus, a design-build partnership between DLR Group and 性爱天堂, the leadership team demonstrated final security camera views for the client鈥檚 transition team during the design phase. Due to mid-project program changes and changing facility operational staff, the planned new camera system required further refinement to meet the detection, observation, recognition and identification (DORI) standard of CCTV coverage.

鈥淯sing the DORI standard, the transition team identified an increased need for high-resolution cameras that could be used for positive recognition and Identification of an individual beyond a reasonable doubt,鈥 Dan says. 鈥淏y bringing the transition team on as early as possible, we were empowered to make the security system changes during the design phase while still reducing expenditures elsewhere, keeping the project鈥檚 budget and schedule on-track.鈥

Meeting Community Needs

Dan and 性爱天堂 recognize the dynamic nature of correctional facilities, whether public or private, as they evolve to meet the changing needs of our communities. The design and construction of new justice facilities is critically important to the creation of restorative justice. Dan鈥檚 extensive history of accomplishments, from his previous roles before joining 性爱天堂 in 2020 to his current director position where he showcases deep industry knowledge and exceptional leadership skills, highlights his continued dedication to fostering client connections and delivering top-tier construction services throughout the US justice market.

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Kyle Bolejack

Relentless Ally

Standard-Setting Special Projects Leadership

Special Projects Vice President Kyle Bolejack鈥檚 father was a professional civil engineer. But by the time Kyle joined 性爱天堂, he knew his passion would take a related but different path: rather than design things, he wanted to build them.

In the 21 years since, Kyle鈥檚 career opportunities have taken him across the country and back, through diverse project experiences and finally to his now-permanent home in North Texas. At every step, Kyle has developed his leadership and keen business sense on our most fast-paced, high-touch special projects.

When projects seem impossibly fast or indelibly complicated by their surroundings, Kyle and 性爱天堂鈥檚 Special Projects team, provide matchless interior finish-out and tenant improvement construction services. On every project, they serve our clients as trusted allies and create repeatable results and decades-long relationships.

Tried and Tested Teams

Kyle鈥檚 success in the special projects market displays what sets our special projects teams apart: they aren鈥檛 just operations teams executing ad hoc special projects, but rather are fully dedicated to this unique facet of construction and its challenges. Our teams expertly manage accelerated schedules, unconventional work hours, work in occupied buildings and handling sensitive and unique systems to create world-class interiors.

鈥淲orking in special projects means encountering new clients, new problems and new solutions much more frequently,鈥 Kyle says. 鈥淭he dynamic nature of special projects excites us, but it also motivates us to cultivate teams who understand the market and how our clients operate.鈥

性爱天堂鈥檚 special projects operational structure is laser-focused on this market at every level, from our dedicated preconstruction group to project engineers and all the way up to superintendents. And backed by years of dedication to the unique rigors of special projects, our teams and sector leaders like Kyle build trusting, longstanding relationships with clients of every size.

鈥淲e have relationships with North Texas financial and legal service clients that stretch back multiple decades,鈥 Kyle reflects. 鈥淲e work to become a trusted ally immediately, but for many clients, that trust has been realized in many years of successful projects and repeat work.鈥

性爱天堂鈥檚 repeat interiors clients are a testament to our teams鈥 expertise, agility and ability to understand and realize each client鈥檚 vision.

First-Rate Communicators

In special projects, perhaps more than anywhere else, communication is critical. Kyle and our special projects teams proactively and continuously communicate with our clients to ensure success and meet clients鈥 unique schedule and spatial needs.

For clients in the financial, medical and many other sectors, construction often simply can鈥檛 interrupt day-to-day operations. Shutting down even portions of a floor during normal business hours may not be an option. By establishing this need as early as possible and reconciling the client鈥檚 needs with the project schedule, Kyle and his teams find the right solutions every time.

In some cases, after-hours and night work may suffice, but in others work might be restricted to a short window from Saturday afternoon through Monday morning. Whatever the client requires, our special projects leaders like Kyle make it happen.

Unique client needs can also extend beyond logistical solutions and into sensitive Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) systems. Projects in active healthcare facilities involve many of the same scheduling considerations with an added layer of complexity in advanced HVAC filtering, negative air machines, sterile areas and more.

鈥淔or healthcare clients, it鈥檚 beyond critical that we understand their unique MEP needs and how we can mitigate our own dust and debris,鈥 Kyle says. 鈥淓very project is a balancing act of meeting our schedule commitments while serving healthcare clients by protecting their patients.鈥

Trade partner selection also plays an important role in special projects success, where space, tolerances and schedules are all compressed. Kyle and our special projects leaders ensure the right people match with the right projects by developing rosters of trusted partners with established experience in the relevant sectors.

鈥淥ur clients value work done with excellence, not cutting corners for a low price,鈥 Kyle says. 鈥淲e work hard to partner with or develop trade partners who share those values and our commitment to transparent and constant communication.鈥

Setting the Standard

When 性爱天堂 clients work with Kyle or any special projects teams, they value more than just our name. It鈥檚 all about our people, and our special projects leaders all bring deep industry knowledge, client-first service and unparalleled project management.

When the stakes are highest, the logistics most complex and the sector-specific needs most singular, 性爱天堂 is more than just a known quantity 鈥 we鈥檙e the industry standard.

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Brian Ficzeri

Relentless Ally

At the Intersection of Design and Risk Reduction

Chief Estimator Brian Ficzeri approaches every project like a three-dimensional puzzle. But unlike a conventional jigsaw project, building critical infrastructure involves a level of complexity that requires the industry鈥檚 best problem solvers.

Over his nearly 30-year career, Brian has estimated some of 性爱天堂鈥檚 most impactful bridge, highway and water projects. He has seen the industry change and adapt to an ever-evolving variety of supply chain disruptions and project risk scenarios. Through it all, Brian鈥檚 expertise has empowered client decision-making and forever improved the way our communities live and move.

Driving Down Risk

Estimators are integral to driving successful project outcomes from the earliest stages of preconstruction by identifying innovative and practical solutions that drive down costs. But far from simply crunching numbers, Brian knows that expert networking and well-cultivated industry savvy is essential to navigating a landscape of escalating risks.

鈥淎s estimators, we鈥檙e always looking for the best, most cost-effective way to do something,鈥 Brian says. 鈥淭hat often requires some back-and-forth collaboration with our client and designers to arrive at the right intersection of design features, supply chain management and budget considerations.鈥

Brian maintains a revolving roster of suppliers, manufacturers and trade partners and a near-encyclopedic knowledge of common industry costs, but every component is less predictable than it鈥檚 ever been. To ensure our project stakeholders see the best outcomes, Brian keeps a particularly close eye on the prices of steel, concrete and other ubiquitous materials, as well as the strained labor market. Every advantage counts in the pursuit of reducing risk, and Brian finds them at every opportunity.

鈥淚n some ways, my role is now more complex, but understanding and facing each new challenge is part of the fun,鈥 Brian says. 鈥淚 combine my past project experience, knowledge of industry trends and strategic market analysis to determine which escalations are real and lasting, which are temporary and which path works for our client鈥檚 and trade partners schedules and budgets.鈥

Bridges to Success

Brian鈥檚 27 years of estimating experience has touched countless landmark infrastructure projects in Texas. He still has favorites, however, and most are community-connecting bridges. From Houston鈥檚 I-10 to the Margaret McDermott Bridge and Skillman Bridge in Dallas, Brian鈥檚 preconstruction expertise powers later construction success.

Whatever the project, Brian likes to think of estimating in terms of what he colloquially calls 鈥渨idgets鈥 鈥 discrete, modular and repeatable packages of design elements that create both cost reliability and eventual efficient constructability. Of course, Brian鈥檚 many widgets require constant re-evaluation according to market conditions. They nevertheless provide our estimating teams and the clients they serve with an endlessly useful toolbox of building blocks from which any infrastructure project can emerge.

鈥淔inding opportunities for efficiency during the estimating process is as much an analytical task as it is a creative one,鈥 Brian says. 鈥溞园焯免檚 estimating teams excel at creative project sequencing, procurement solutions and design revisions that can save our clients money and reduce risk.鈥

For example, a highway project may require the excavation and construction of a water retention pond. That design element may have a generally reliable set cost based on size and depth, but Brian identifies ways to reduce risk for all project stakeholders. Properly sequencing the pond within the larger project, repurposing excavated material and even strategic over-digging and using the excess to offset backfill costs elsewhere are just some possible opportunities to create savings on any front.

Brian鈥檚 project experience has also included a range of contracting models, including smaller hard bid projects and massive, multi-year design-build behemoths like the Horseshoe Interchange and its constituent Margaret McDermott Bridge, now a landmark feature of the Dallas skyline.

No matter a project鈥檚 contracting model, Brian strives to understand local municipalities, their construction regulations, project site conditions and how each factor might affect risk. Especially on large-scale design-build projects, many of which span many miles of highway, managing traffic redirection and utility relocation are critical considerations.

Brian and 性爱天堂鈥檚 team of expert infrastructure estimators manage these risks 鈥 and so many more 鈥 through a matrix of common issues and a risk register, comprising even more movable widgets in their toolbox.

鈥淣o matter how complex a project is, we collaborate with all stakeholders to proactively seek out, evaluate and mitigate risks,鈥 Brian says. 鈥淚f something happens, do we have a half-a-million dollar problem, a $5 million problem or $50,000 problem? By planning for these contingencies in advance, our clients and trade partners are equipped to make the best decisions.鈥

By simultaneously satisfying local regulations, creating end-user-friendliness and meeting clients鈥 design and budget goals, Brian sets up projects for success.

Answering the 鈥淲hy?鈥

Interstate highways and landmark bridges transport thousands of drivers every day, providing essential channels of connection for our communities. The design choices and cost considerations that inform these projects matter, not just to direct stakeholders but also the people who utilize them every day. Estimators like Brian can explain the 鈥淲hy?鈥 behind each such choice made at the strategic intersection of savings and design intent.

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Michelle Clark

Relentless Ally

Problem-Solving With a Personal Touch

Project Executive Michelle Clark began her construction career on large projects with budgets in the hundreds of millions. By the time she reached 性爱天堂 in 2010, she had discovered her true passion for the industry鈥檚 polar opposite: fast-paced, high-touch and complex special projects.

In the decade since, Michelle has refined her problem-solving skills and earned a reputation as an enthusiastic advocate for Mid-Atlantic clients with unique project needs. In occupied buildings and on accelerated schedules, through night work and more, Michelle and her teammates leverage their years of special project experience to solve problems no one else can, delivering beautiful renovations and additions suited to each client鈥檚 needs.

Tackling Complex Logistics

性爱天堂 experts like Michelle excel at special projects with truly unique challenges. Converting a mid-level tower floor into parking space or renovating a busy lobby with minimal disruption present a Gordian Knot of logistical considerations, but one that our teams are uniquely suited to untangle and overcome.

鈥淥wners and clients come to us because they know we can see even the most complicated jobs through to success,鈥 Michelle says. 鈥淥ur clients trust us to solve problems that no one else can with design assistance, complicated or accelerated scheduling and innovative solutions 鈥 it鈥檚 where we thrive.鈥

On a current project in Washington, D.C., 性爱天堂鈥檚 Mid-Atlantic special projects team has been tasked with adding an elevator to the interior of a historic downtown building. Beyond the aesthetic considerations of building an appropriately styled addition, the project site logistics are especially complex.

In addition to providing design input to help the elevator mesh with the surrounding structure, Michelle and her teammates are delivering construction solutions tailored to the site鈥檚 challenges, including limited space for material laydown, equipment and selective demolition. Backed by years of creative problem-solving experience, the team is performing complex shaft drilling, hydraulic installations and more within a narrow footprint.

Security Clearance: Granted

The Mid-Atlantic construction market, especially near historic Washington, D.C. is such that 性爱天堂鈥檚 special projects teams often perform work for the federal government. Such projects can involve stringent security measures that Michelle loves to approach as another opportunity to solve a complex puzzle of logistical challenges.

鈥淔ederal special projects, just like special projects for private clients, are often located in occupied and secure office buildings where you must be a U.S. citizen, you can鈥檛 bring in any mobile devices and you can鈥檛 interact with surrounding offices in any way,鈥 Michelle says. 鈥淚t requires more planning and coordination than others in the industry may want to tackle, but we have the experience to ensure success. Every challenge is an opportunity to excel.鈥

Project coordination in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) also requires a unique approach to project management and Building Information Modeling (BIM) coordination.

When our teams can鈥檛 bring smartphones or tablets onto a project site, they rely on paper plans, intensive and intentional day-to-day planning and strategically timed communication with off-site personnel. Our special projects teams adapt to and overcome these unique constraints, carefully coordinating operations to maintain accelerated schedules and reliable budgets.

Making the Impossible Personal

When faced with challenging special projects, Michelle takes a personal, high-touch approach. By getting to know a client and understanding their project goals, she and her teammates can overcome any hurdle through innovative planning solutions, enhanced trade partner engagement and simply thinking outside the box.

Two back-to-back projects in the Warner Building in Washington, D.C. showcased 性爱天堂鈥檚 ability to bring a client鈥檚 vision to life, first while converting an office floor into additional parking space. The team needed to avoid disrupting the existing parking structure above the floor and the offices above that, but the added complication of doorway-sized access points to the space precluded any large demolition equipment.

To effectively execute the garage conversion, including pouring a concrete ramp down to the new garage level, the team transported small loads of concrete in buggies that could navigate the space. Avoiding larger equipment also meant they could keep the rest of the garage open, which greatly benefited traffic to the rest of the building.

Impressed with the team鈥檚 work on the garage conversion, client JBG SMITH engaged 性爱天堂 to build a fitness center and renovate the Warner Building lobby. The client desired a green space despite the limited natural light, so Michelle and the team found a film set design specialist in California who could construct a 10-foot-tall artificial tree inside the lobby.

All the while, the team worked closely with JBG SMITH and the Warner Theater, a major occupant of the building, to coordinate work around live theater performances and peak activity hours in the lobby.

Near project completion, the team navigated even more complex logistics with the client and the city to deliver, assemble and install massive steel trellises, a key design feature of the renovated lobby. Though prefabricated in pieces off-site, each trellis component was large enough that the team worked with our delivery partners and the city of Washington, D.C. to coordinate lane closures during low-traffic hours.

The team needed to deliver the trellis components through the lobby鈥檚 front door, so constant communication with the client and its tenants was critical to mitigating disruptions to the Warner Building鈥檚 daily business.

Chasing the Next Challenge

Like many 性爱天堂 special projects experts across the U.S., Michelle feels uniquely suited for the fast-paced nature of these projects and loves what she does.

Every project has at least one especially unique, challenging or interesting feature. Whether she鈥檚 tackling an accelerated schedule, the challenge of delivering massive steel beams down a crowded city street or performing a complete lobby renovation without disturbing stage performances, Michelle is a passionate and respected Relentless Ally for our clients and communities.

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Chuck Chapman

Relentless Ally

Right on Track

Whether they carry commercial goods, raw materials or people, trains rarely have the luxury of stopping for long. That鈥檚 rarely an issue on an active rail line, but when railways require new construction, renovation and modernization, you need a hands-on expert who can keep things on track.

As one of 性爱天堂鈥檚 leading rail experts, Area Operations Manager Chuck Chapman understands the importance of solutions-driven rail construction. Throughout his impressive 35-year career, Chuck has honed his skills as an innovative problem-solver, a master communicator and a creative project scheduler for public and private clients alike. Every dollar and every hour saved counts, and 性爱天堂鈥檚 forward-thinking rail professionals like Chuck skillfully identify them at every turn.

Hands-On Problem Solving

Project leaders must display innovative problem-solving and the willingness to roll up one鈥檚 sleeves, take a personal role in the project plan and execute the best path forward.

Chuck鈥檚 storied career is replete with such situations, both as an estimator and as a project manager, and where the two disciplines converge. On a former employer鈥檚 bridge project, Chuck and his team were faced with a dilemma: the project required the creation of a dewatered area to facilitate bridgework, but traditional methods of sinking a cofferdam using sheet piles wouldn鈥檛 be adequate.

The approach spans of the bridge offered too little clearance to install cofferdams, and splicing sheet piles to handle the task would have increased project costs. So Chuck and his team got creative. They combined the strengths of each method by securing sheet piles to the cofferdam base using bulb seals.

鈥淥n each phase of the bridge, our solution probably saved four to six months,鈥 Chuck recalls. 鈥淵ou multiply that across 36 segments, and the time and cost savings made an incredible difference for our client.鈥

While that level of creative problem-solving can come with the territory of complex infrastructure construction, it remains one of Chuck鈥檚 favorite aspects of his job and something he sees as wise stewardship of clients鈥 valuable time and money.

鈥淭here鈥檚 always an opportunity to partner with our clients, develop solutions and proactively prevent problems,鈥 Chuck adds. 鈥淲e get the right people together to create solutions that serve a project technically, fiscally and safely.鈥

Complete Communication

From the earliest planning phases to the completion of a project鈥檚 lifecycle, project leaders must be master communicators with every stakeholder. Direct, constant communication with clients, owners and trade partners can help prevent costly delays and any unnecessary impacts to the traveling public or vital supply chains that rely on rail infrastructure.

On Chuck鈥檚 most recent project, the electrification of Caltrain in San Jose, California, he prioritizes clear and consistent communication with project leaders, the client and local municipal authorities, ensuring 性爱天堂 adheres to all standards and procedures for working in and around critical infrastructure. Chuck understands that early and proactive team alignment enables the collaborative development of solutions that enhance critical logistics and safety planning. 

Impact-Sensitive Scheduling

Chuck and his fellow rail experts at 性爱天堂 cultivate a shared team understanding our client鈥檚 vision and target turnover dates, enabling strategic and successful project schedules.

鈥淭raffic impacts and utility relocation are at the forefront of our minds on any rail project, because we know how mission critical both can be,鈥 Chuck says. 鈥淏y identifying these constraints early, we鈥檙e actually empowered to plan the most effective solutions such as nighttime closures and utility relocations that avoid interference with rail tracks and any permitting necessary to accomplish both.鈥

性爱天堂鈥檚 rail leaders can also leverage the many advantages of prefabrication where it can accelerate the schedule, save money and mitigate a project鈥檚 public impact. Railway replacements are a prime example.

鈥淧refabrication is another powerful tool in our planning toolbox,鈥 Chuck says. 鈥淚f we can build 1,000 feet of rail next to its final location, we can keep trains moving during that process, take the line out of service for a shorter outage period and install the new rail all at once.鈥

United in Vision

For Chuck, understanding a client鈥檚 vision is just par for the course. By communicating that vision to all stakeholders, then planning, designing and scheduling projects accordingly, the entire team stays on track.

Rail is one of our oldest modes of motorized travel but still plays a crucial role in the way we move people and goods around our communities and around the country. We鈥檙e proud to serve our clients by making rail construction and renovation as efficient, expedient and economical as possible and empowering leaders like Chuck who can make it happen.

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Kelsey Beaty

Relentless Ally

Embracing Every Opportunity

In her 16 years with 性爱天堂, Project Business Manager Kelsey Beaty has enthusiastically sought out new challenges. From her time as an intern in Georgia to serving as a project accountant in the Carolinas and taking on the role of project business manager in Texas, Kelsey has been committed to expanding her skillsets since day one. Her willingness to evolve with the needs of the business has broadened her knowledge of every area of our work, making her an invaluable teammate with a deep understanding of the industry.

Building on a Legacy

Kelsey comes by her interest in construction administration naturally. Her father spent several years as a human resources executive at 性爱天堂, imparting his passion for the industry and the many opportunities available within it.

In December 2007, an opportunity to become the first accounting intern within 性爱天堂鈥檚 U.S civils business opened in Atlanta, Georgia, and Kelsey jumped at the chance. Though she was nervous to begin the internship, having only taken one accounting class in school, her nerves were quickly eased.  

鈥淣o one expected me to be the CEO on my first day,鈥 Kelsey laughs. 鈥淢y supervisors were clear with me: they wanted someone interested in the business who was willing to jump in and learn.鈥

Kelsey continued interning within the shared services team throughout her time in college, building rewarding relationships, learning about the industry and maximizing every opportunity. When she graduated, she was eager to begin her career with 性爱天堂.

Field Transitions

After several years of working in an office environment in Atlanta and in a regional office in Wilmington, North Carolina, Kelsey began to feel that field work was the next step in her career evolution. She had supported field teams extensively and participated in jobsite tours that broadened her perspective of how the accounting function supports our work.

Kelsey soon made the move to Jacksonville, North Carolina, to work on the Camp Lejeune base entry project. For the first time, Kelsey was fully immersed in a project, experiencing her accounting work in action right outside her window.

Her time amid active work allowed her to build relationships with field and craft teams in a way she hadn鈥檛 before. 鈥淚t opened my world up a bit,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 gained an understanding of operational processes that I鈥檝e carried with me ever since.鈥

(South)Westward Expansion

After a year on the Camp Lejeune job, Kelsey was tapped to make a major transition: moving to Dallas, Texas, to begin work on the Dallas Horseshoe project. The project spanned 73 miles of roadway and included the construction of 37 bridges, well beyond the scope of any project in which Kelsey had been involved.

鈥淚t was quite an undertaking,鈥 Kelsey reflects. 鈥淚 very quickly learned the importance of teamwork on a job of that scale.鈥

After completing the Dallas Horseshoe, Kelsey moved to  project and, currently, the . As project business manager, Kelsey and her teams are responsible for all things finance, including processing payroll for hundreds of employees, managing payments to trade partners and more.

Her most important role, she says, is supporting our field teams. 鈥淢y job only exists because of the teams working on the project site,鈥 Kelsey explains.

A Powerful Mentor

During her time on the Dallas Horseshoe project, Kelsey developed a mentoring relationship with Director of Construction Dan Young. In the decade since, the pair have been an unstoppable force, and Dan has been pivotal in Kelsey鈥檚 career development.

鈥淜elsey is an invaluable asset to our team,鈥 Dan says. 鈥淗er time in the southeast and the Horseshoe and Southern Gateway projects has given her a great breadth of experience that allows her to understand and support her teammates, and she鈥檚 always seeking out new ways to learn.鈥

Throughout her time with 性爱天堂, Kelsey has demonstrated that she is not only capable of adapting to new environments but thrives in the face of change. She enthusiastically adapts with the ever-changing needs of the industry, giving her a broad knowledge of operations and making her a well-rounded leader and passionate advocate for her teammates. 

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Vu Nguyen

Relentless Ally

Lighting the Path for a Diverse and Inclusive Industry

Vu Nguyen is a senior project manager for Howard S. Wright (HSW), a 性爱天堂 company, but he鈥檚 simultaneously so much more 鈥 a thoughtful mentor and a passionate advocate for creating a diverse, thriving community of construction professionals that reflect the communities where we live and work.

Throughout his sixteen-year career, Vu has found a calling not only as a leader within HSW but also as an advocate for his Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) peers within 性爱天堂 and the construction industry as a whole. The AAPI community still represents a disproportionate minority in construction, but Vu knows what a rewarding and exciting path it can be.

Vu is lighting that path, clearing the way for younger generations and building future success for both 性爱天堂 and his community.

A Passion for Education

Vu never planned to find his calling in construction. In 1994, his family emigrated from Vietnam as political refugees with the dream of providing Vu and his siblings with exceptional educational opportunities. Pursuing his own higher education was as much a privilege as it was an expectation.

鈥淢y siblings and I grew up with the mentality that because we had the opportunity to go to school, we were going to go to school,鈥 Vu recalls. 鈥淥ur parents were always drivers and supporters of our continuing education.鈥

Vu attended the University of Washington (UW) with sights set on engineering. It seemed like a natural fit 鈥 he had always loved building, designing and understanding complex systems. Soon, Vu discovered his passion for building design and pursued a dual degree in architecture and construction management.

He joined HSW as a project engineer shortly after graduating in 2007. Vu has been part of the 性爱天堂 team ever since, but his education left a lasting impact鈥攐ne he hopes to share with future generations of construction professionals.

Giving Back as a Community Educator

At the start of his career with HSW, he knew few other Asian American professionals in the industry and even fewer in the company. According to a Build California study, AAPI representation in construction is disproportionately low 鈥 around 1.5% of the industry workforce despite comprising 5.7% of the U.S. population.

鈥淚 think it鈥檚 an issue of perspective in Asian American communities and not understanding the opportunities in construction,鈥 Vu says. 鈥淕rowing up, I thought of construction as the person swinging a hammer or digging dirt. That鈥檚 an important part of the industry, but just a fraction of much more.鈥

With that in mind, Vu has dedicated his personal time to speaking with and mentoring students in the Pacific Northwest and exposing them to opportunities in construction they might not have otherwise encountered.

鈥淭here are so many successful paths in construction,鈥 Vu says. 鈥淵ou can be a designer. You can be an engineer. You can manage people, finances, planning and processes. These are rewarding careers that students often don鈥檛 know about.鈥

Vu volunteers with a mentorship program at UW where he is paired with undergraduate students who meet with him regularly to learn from his industry experience and seek education and career advice鈥攁ll invaluable resources Vu wishes he had as a student.

He also volunteers as a construction industry panelist and attends events at his alma mater, where he can already see the industry changing for the better. Today, industry events and graduating classes display a greater diversity of genders and ethnicities, better representing the communities they will soon serve.

Growing into Leadership

Over his career, Vu has contributed to a wide range of major and special projects as well as others for the HSW Service Department in Seattle. That variety was a conscious effort to cultivate well-rounded construction experience.

Still, when considering his favorite past projects, he gravitates toward the most unique and challenging. And the projects often fit a distinct pattern: each presented opportunities for Vu to step up, assume new and unfamiliar aspects of leadership and learn new management strategies.

鈥淥ne of my favorite projects is the UW Husky Stadium renovation,鈥 Vu says. 鈥淲e built the players鈥 locker rooms, the training facilities, the coaching offices 鈥 it was one of those once-in-a-lifetime projects that you feel privileged to have taken part in.鈥

Although Vu was a project engineer at the time, the project gave him ample opportunity to take on more advanced responsibilities.

A similar opportunity arose on the Seattle University Vi Hilbert Hall Student Housing project that further solidified Vu鈥檚 career growth. He had the opportunity to step up and assume new leadership responsibilities midway through the project, and he rose to the occasion. Although the project was challenging on all fronts, Vu led a team of young project engineers to deliver a beautiful new student residence in his community.

Vu also participated in 性爱天堂鈥檚 2022 Propel Leadership Program, where he and other West Coast peers spent a year learning valuable leadership skills. In addition, HSW leadership selected Vu as a Legacy Award recipient for 2022, signifying his lasting impact on HSW and his community.

Building a Stronger, More Inclusive Industry

Vu鈥檚 natural leadership also lends itself to his role as an AAPI leader and one of the founders of 性爱天堂鈥檚 company-wide AAPI employee affinity group, REGAL (Reinforcing, Educating and Guiding Asian Leaders). As a leader within REGAL, Vu hopes to expand on work he鈥檚 doing in the Seattle community to reach students of color, particularly those within the AAPI community.

Vu is poised to play a key role in creating a more diverse industry for all, a robust pipeline of exceptional talent and strong representation and opportunities for 性爱天堂鈥檚 AAPI teammates. 

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Alex Ramos

Relentless Ally

Striving for Safety

When thinking of construction safety, images of hard hats, protective glasses and neon vests come to mind. But safety encompasses so much more than personal protective equipment鈥攅very choice counts, and a split-second decision on a jobsite can change a life forever.

Alex Ramos, a safety, environmental and health manager for our civils operations in the Southeast, is passionate about making safety personal, constantly seeking to enhance his safety expertise and ensuring that all of his teammates, when faced with difficult decisions, are equipped to make the right choices.

Managing Across Miles

性爱天堂鈥檚 industry-leading commitment to safety was the primary factor that drew Alex to pursue a career with 性爱天堂. Before joining our team, he worked for a safety consulting firm, but 性爱天堂鈥檚 steadfast dedication to Zero Harm stood out from the pack and led him to join the business in 2017.

Today, Alex travels throughout the Southeast conducting safety audits, offering safety management guidance and providing ongoing training for our teammates and trade partners. Whether he is at our project in Harkers Island, North Carolina, the project in Rincon, Georgia, or any of the large-scale infrastructure projects on which he oversees safety, Alex can always be found with his sleeves rolled up, working tirelessly to ensure our teams and surrounding communities stay safe.

On any given day, Alex is responsible for managing safety across 10 or more jobsites in multiple states. Unlike a high-rise development in which workers remain within a relatively small geographic radius, crews on civil infrastructure projects are often spread out across many miles. This might make the task of managing safety daunting to some, but Alex has honed his training and audit practices to ensure no safety issue is overlooked. Many of 性爱天堂鈥檚 safety requirements exceed those of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), and Alex believes in his teammates鈥 leadership to maintain safe jobsites.

鈥淪afety is more than just an aspect of what we do, it鈥檚 deeply woven into the culture at 性爱天堂,鈥 says Alex. 鈥淲hen it comes to keeping our jobsites safe, the key is teamwork. Just as it takes a team to complete a construction project, it takes a team to make sure each and every person on our jobsite and in the surrounding community stays safe.鈥

Alex is a firm believer that communication is the foundation to safety. Although Alex regularly visits the jobsites he manages, he can鈥檛 be everywhere at once. Because of this, he relies heavily on personal touchpoints with his teammates. Alex ensures that everyone on-site is empowered to contact him with questions or concerns but also trusts project engineers, project managers, superintendents and forepeople to effectively monitor safety.

While it is easy to get caught up in the minutiae of day-to-day operations, Alex encourages his teammates to regularly step back and look at the bigger picture of safety. Through a three-question call-and-response at the beginning of every meeting, Alex helps keep his teammates focused on safety fundamentals.

Question: Whose job is safety?
Answer: Mine.

Question: Are you committed to 鈥淶ero Harm鈥?
Answer: Yes.

Question: Who has the authority to stop work because of a safety concern?
Answer: I do.

鈥淜eeping those three questions at the forefront of everyone鈥檚 mind ensures that we are all on the same page,鈥 says Alex. 鈥淲hether I am on-site or not, our teams make sure that safety is always effectively communicated.鈥

Making Safety Inclusive

One of the most important steps to getting on the same page is ensuring everyone on our jobsites understands safety materials. According to the , nearly one in three construction workers identify as Hispanic/Latinx, and approximately half of construction laborers identify as Hispanic/Latinx. Translations of these essential materials allow our teams and partners to make informed, safe choices when faced with split-second decisions.

Alex, who is fluent in Spanish, has also gone above and beyond his day-to-day responsibilities by helping translate company-wide safety materials such as Toolbox Talks, training materials, jobsite signage and more. His efforts ensure we communicate with precision and accuracy to our diverse project teams and trade partners across our entire U.S. operations.

鈥淭hese materials are vital to the success and safety of our projects. We can鈥檛 afford for anyone to miss this information,鈥 Alex says. 鈥淥ur teams need to be able to read and understand the information. Translating them is one way to make sure that鈥檚 possible.鈥

The Spanish translations of safety materials have been successful in maintaining greater cohesion and consistency for 性爱天堂 teams across the nation. Alex鈥檚 previous role as a safety consultant gave him an understanding of unique demographic and dialect needs across different regions, and he hopes to see safety materials translated into more languages in the future.

Continuing Safety Education

Alex鈥檚 passion for safety and desire to continue learning have inspired him to advance his education. Most recently, Alex earned his Associate Safety Professional (ASP) certification, a prerequisite of which was earning his associate degree in construction. The degree and certification processes were not easy; Alex studied and took classes on his own time, learning valuable lessons he brings with him each day to our jobsites.

鈥淥ngoing safety training is crucial to our goal of achieving Zero Harm,鈥 says Eric Yates, regional safety, environmental and health manager. 鈥淎lex鈥檚 initiative in pursuing and achieving the ASP certification demonstrates his continued commitment to improving both himself and our overall safety performance.鈥

Though proud to have achieved his ASP certification, Alex is far from finished. 鈥淚 never dreamed I would get my degree or certification, but now that I know I can do it, why would I stop here?鈥 He is excited to tackle his next endeavor: earning his Certified Safety Professional (CSP) certification. The first step? Completing his bachelor鈥檚 degree.

An inclusive safety leader who is continuously raising the bar in our pursuit of Zero Harm, Alex Ramos knows first-hand that choices made in a split-second can save a life. And on his watch, those choices are sure to be safe ones.

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Michael Hite

Relentless Ally

Changing Skylines and Building Landmarks

Michael Hite will be the first to tell you that he鈥檚 not a musician.

Nevertheless, Michael conducts his own opera of sorts on each of his large-scale hospitality projects, skillfully coordinating client relationships, choreographing interactions between hundreds of trade partners and implementing a philosophy of start-to-finish operational excellence to deliver iconic hotels and convention centers.

As a former superintendent and now as a Field Operations Director, Michael has served 性爱天堂鈥檚 hospitality clients in many markets across the U.S. No matter their location, these projects require the decades of experience, deep industry networks and trusted leadership that Michael brings to every development.

From Designer to Builder

When his collegiate education as an architect was already well underway, Michael realized the rise of digital design signaled a major change in the industry. Computers were a useful and efficient tool, but the artistry lost some of its magic for Michael when he couldn鈥檛 put pencil to paper.

He quickly changed course, realizing he wanted to build structures instead of designing them. After attending construction trade school for four years, he soon found himself working for a mechanical contractor in Florida on the Miami Beach Convention Center project.

鈥淭hat was my first exposure to big jobs, strategic planning, the implications of large-scale projects and the choreography of it all,鈥 Michael recalls. 鈥淚 didn鈥檛 yet understand that I was on the precipice of my career, but I was amazed and intrigued by it.鈥

Michael began cultivating his expertise in large hospitality construction by intentionally seeking out mentorship opportunities to learn the unique complexities of this market. This soon led to a brush with destiny on 性爱天堂鈥檚 Broward County Arena project鈥攁nd a life-changing job opportunity soon thereafter.

The Best Experts in Any Geography

Nearly 30 years later, Michael is one of our leading national experts in hospitality construction and has led projects that have become household names in their communities such as the two-million-square-foot Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas. The project brought his family to their now permanent home in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and remains one of the most iconic hospitality centers in the region, encompassing 460,000 square feet of convention space and 1,814 guest rooms.

性爱天堂 identified a team of hospitality experts from across Florida and Texas to lead the project, each group contributing unique talents and perspectives but united by a common mission.

鈥淭he merging of our talent enabled us to deliver the best final product for our client,鈥 Michael says. 鈥淥ur strong, unifying culture makes it possible to send the right people to the right places for the right jobs.鈥

The 鈥淢ints on Pillows鈥 Approach to Excellence

Michael鈥檚 impact on the North Texas hospitality market was only just beginning on the Gaylord Texas. More recently, he served as superintendent for the Omni Dallas Convention Center and Hotel, a $331 million design-build project completed in 2011 for developer Matthews Southwest.

Michael still counts Omni Dallas among his top three 鈥済reatest hits.鈥 Early in pursuit, the team committed to a fast-paced 30-month schedule. Shortly after the groundbreaking, Michael鈥攚ith the buy-in of the entire project team and trade partners鈥攃ommitted to further expediting the already compressed schedule by an additional two months. They ultimately exceeded expectations and delivered the 1.1-million-square-foot complex in just under 26 months.

鈥淭he Omni Dallas was an incredibly high-quality project in all the ways we measure success 鈥 financially, structurally and architecturally,鈥 Michael recalls. 鈥淲e had everything from mints on pillows to locally commissioned artwork installed throughout the facility. We had it all.鈥

The project also completed with more than 2.5 million total hours worked without a single lost time incident. Keeping jobsites safe is Michael鈥檚 deeply personal responsibility to his teammates, clients and communities, and he鈥檚 proud to lead projects that exemplify 性爱天堂鈥檚 Zero Harm commitment.

On the Road Again

Michael recently returned to his Florida construction roots on the in Fort Lauderdale, another Matthews Southwest partnership.

Michael views the nearly $1 billion project as another incredible opportunity to build a lasting community and tourism hub. Most importantly, it鈥檚 another chance to join 性爱天堂 teams in different regions and foster trade relationships that share our values.

鈥淵ou have to be willing to engage your teams and partners with daily conversation, clear communication and fair and honest treatment,鈥 Michael says. 鈥淭hat sometimes requires tough conversations and tough calls, but when your heart鈥檚 in the right place, it works out for the betterment of the project itself and for everyone involved.鈥

Building lasting relationships with like-minded trade partners pays dividends. In every market where Michael has worked, he knows he can count on trusted trade partners to fully engage with 性爱天堂鈥檚 most important goals: safety, quality, innovation and accountability.

Lasting Community Impact

Even if given the opportunity, Michael wouldn鈥檛 change any step in his storied career鈥攂ut he still has work to do.

As he looks ahead to the future, no matter the location, Michael is proud to say how much 性爱天堂鈥檚 projects impact communities where our teams live and work. He and his teams deliver incredible facilities, but their art lives on for decades more as thriving centers for employment,

hospitality and community events 鈥 as Michael realized on a visit to the Gaylord Texan years after its grand opening.

鈥淚 was able to sit and observe this facility that employs over 2,000 workers and enables so many other vendors and services to exist,鈥 Michael recalls. 鈥淚 realized that we make so much of an impact in the community and the trajectories of so many families. What we do makes a difference, and it matters.鈥

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Keenan Arnold

Relentless Ally

Investing in Education

Keenan Arnold never expected to become an expert in the estimating, pursuits and preconstruction of educational facilities. However, after proving his aptitude, the Atlanta-based senior preconstruction manager has fallen into the role naturally, leading preconstruction efforts and training others to do the same in the education market and beyond. Keenan鈥檚 work doesn鈥檛 stop when construction begins; he鈥檚 investing in the communities he helped build and paving the way for a more inclusive industry.

Keenan鈥檚 interest in construction began at a young age. At eight years old, while attending a 鈥淏ring Your Child to Work鈥 day with his mother, he was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up. To Keenan鈥檚 surprise, his mother insisted he tell the group he wanted to become an architect.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 think I really knew what an architect was at the time,鈥 he laughs. 鈥淏ut I was creative and loved to draw, and she knew I would be well-suited for this industry. She saw something in me and knew this was the path for me.鈥

That moment planted a seed in Keenan, and he carried an interest in architecture through to college. After two years, he decided to broaden his horizons and switched his major to construction. And he鈥檚 never looked back. Keenan began his career estimating for a concrete formwork contractor before making his way to 性爱天堂.

Expanding Expertise

In his first few years with 性爱天堂, Keenan worked on a wide range of projects across diverse market sectors. One of the first markets on which he honed his skillset was in adaptive reuse. The knowledge and skills he took away from these projects would benefit the business over the next years in unexpected ways. 

During the early days of the pandemic, Keenan found himself filling in gaps and assisting with preconstruction efforts on existing projects he had not previously worked on. Many of these were K-12 projects, which encompassed both renovations and additions. Through his experience with adaptive reuse, Keenan unexpectedly found himself operating within a new market that took advantage of his expertise.

Using what he learned on past projects, he quickly became adept at leading the preconstruction effort for K-12 projects. 性爱天堂鈥檚 industry-leading and comprehensive preconstruction services are a differentiator for our clients, and Keenan plays a major role in not only helping win many projects, but he also ensures that they our project teams are equipped with the proper budgets and subcontractor input needed to successfully build the project.

In addition to his work on K-12 education projects, Keenan brings his expertise to a variety of market sectors. Keenan has made his mark on Atlanta by leading preconstruction efforts on major projects such as the Hotel Row Adaptive Reuse Project, ,  and .

鈥淜eenan understands the preconstruction process thoroughly and he is invaluable to our team,鈥 says Amar Vel, senior vice president of preconstruction in Atlanta. 鈥淲e can count on him to provide insightful guidance on every aspect of a project, whether for marketing, operations, scheduling or estimating. He has built an excellent rapport with both internal and external clients, and we are truly fortunate to have him as a leader in the business.鈥

Investing in His Community

An Atlanta native, Keenan takes great pride in 性爱天堂鈥檚 impact on his local community. He enjoys pointing out 性爱天堂 projects when driving through the streets of Atlanta with friends and relishes building in his hometown.

鈥淥ne of the things I really like about this industry is that what we鈥檙e doing today could have an impact for decades to come,鈥 he says. 鈥淲e鈥檙e building projects that will last for a lifetime.鈥

Keenan has also had the unique opportunity to work in spaces he was familiar with as a child, including some of the very same educational facilities he once attended. He even led preconstruction on a project at his former high school. 鈥淚 got very nostalgic walking through the hallways of my old high school,鈥 he says. 鈥淚t means a lot to get the chance to build in these spaces that built me.鈥

While some may be content to move on from a project after its completion, Keenan and his teammates have identified opportunities to continue investing in the communities they鈥檝e built.

Keenan has returned to schools our teams built to discuss the construction industry with students, introducing them to a potential career path they may not have otherwise discovered. Thus far, Keenan and his teammates have participated in career days and arranged informal class visits with several schools. He hopes to start a formal program that will bring this message to more schools in the Atlanta area, allowing children to explore all aspects of construction such as architecture, engineering, project management and design.

鈥淐onstruction is a vital industry but one that a lot of kids might not know much about,鈥 Keenan explains. 鈥淲e want to get them interested in what we do and let them know that there is a lot of opportunity out there for them in the construction industry.鈥

A NOBLE Pursuit

In addition to having a heart for our younger generations, Keenan also leads the Atlanta chapter of 性爱天堂鈥檚 Network of Black Leaders and Executives (NOBLE) employee affinity group. The group advocates for African American representation across the company and into our communities. He has been a member of the group since its inception in 2021 and is now in his second year of leading the local chapter.

Recruiting diverse talent is one of the group鈥檚 primary focuses. Through his work with NOBLE, Keenan has had the opportunity to partner with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) to attend career fairs and hiring events to discover future industry talent and ensure students know what opportunities are available to them.

The group has also forged meaningful relationships with local minority and women owned business enterprises (MWBE) that open the door for future partnering opportunities. Keenan recently organized a MWBE outreach event that brought together 50 attendees from a diverse pool of local subcontractors.

鈥淲e want to make MWBE participation part of our industry fabric,鈥 Keenan says. 鈥淥ur goal is to expand the pool of subcontractors we鈥檙e choosing from and make sure everyone has a fair shot.鈥

Whether he is putting together a project bid, organizing outreach events or advocating for the advancement of diverse construction professionals, Keenan lives out 性爱天堂鈥檚 people-first culture in all his endeavors, creating an industry where everyone can learn, grow and thrive.
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Luis Torres

Relentless Ally

The Responsibility of Protecting Your Team

Every workplace has its unique cast of characters, mainstays that feel as much a part of the company鈥檚 culture and structure as the company leadership. Not every workplace, however, can say their company veterans are in the business of saving lives every day. That鈥檚 exactly what 性爱天堂 safety professionals like Luis Torres do on jobsites across the country, combining expertise, pride in their work and relationship building to keep workers safe.

Industry-Leading Safety Leadership

Luis is a jobsite safety carpenter, but he鈥檚 not just any carpenter. His tenure with 性爱天堂 spans nearly three decades, and in that time, he鈥檚 carefully honed his skills as a carpenter and his knack for developing innovative safety solutions. He鈥檚 a known quantity on every job 鈥 someone so trusted that his teammates have affectionally given him the title 鈥淪afety Luis.鈥

A well-earned title it is. Luis鈥檚 handiwork caught the attention of a 性爱天堂 safety leader, on a recent visit to the Alfond Inn project in Winter Park, Florida. On the jobsite, a sprawling 75,000-square-foot addition to the boutique hotel, Luis had constructed a set of temporary elevator guardrails.

The quality of the installation was evident at first sight. Each had clearly been constructed by a professional who deeply cared about their work and the impact it would have on worker safety.

In this case, the elevator enclosure went above and beyond the standards mandated by OSHA, 性爱天堂 and our construction elevator trade partner in Florida. While providing essential safety protections, it also featured removable sections and stowable netting, allowing different parts of the enclosure to be temporarily moved to suit different loads over the course of the job. On top of that, the entire guardrail structure was both modular and removable, so Luis鈥檚 hard work can be re-used on a future elevator thereby creating greater workflow efficiencies and reducing waste.

Luis鈥檚 responsibilities as a construction safety carpenter and the responsibilities of his peers on other jobsites don鈥檛 end with elevator guardrails and enclosures, of course. Safety carpenters build walkways, guardrails, work platforms, scaffolding and much more, all essential components of making jobsites safer for 性爱天堂 teammates, trade partners and any visitors. Alongside personal protective equipment (PPE) and established safety rules and standards, their work is on the frontlines of construction safety.

Tenured and Trusted

In his decades on construction sites, 鈥淪afety Luis鈥 has established himself as someone our workers and trade partners can trust, as evidenced by his tenure, his demand on jobsites and his role which has grown to encompass mentoring 性爱天堂 safety carpenters across the country.

鈥淗e鈥檚 easily worked on at least a hundred different projects over the years, and his work is truly first-class,鈥 says Jonathan Pearch, project executive. 鈥淲hen Luis is on the job, we know he鈥檚 going to anticipate safety needs others may not see, often going above and beyond to provide the safest possible working environment for everyone on the site. He always has the 鈥榳hat鈥 covered and can build anything you ask him to, but when given a task, he thinks about the 鈥榳hy鈥 and finds creative, safe solutions to meet the need.鈥

It鈥檚 only fitting that Luis has also taken his safety sixth sense outside his usual southeast region, guiding and teaching safety carpenters as far afield as jobsites in Texas. On every job, Luis truly cares about the safety of his teammates 鈥 he knows what he鈥檚 there to do and he takes pride in executing that job with excellence.

Across a career so vast, in terms of both projects and years worked, construction safety standards have naturally changed immensely and for the better, but that accumulation of knowledge is one of Luis鈥檚 greatest assets.

鈥淗e may have been able to do his job in sneakers and shorts back in the day,鈥 Jonathan jokes, 鈥渂ut there鈥檚 no doubt the industry absolutely has changed. Luis has adapted to those changes and, in many ways, pushed us even further toward safer jobsites.鈥

The vital expertise of Luis and 性爱天堂 safety carpenters everywhere exemplifies 性爱天堂鈥檚 commitment to leading the construction industry in safety. 

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Megan Cook-Eichelberger

Relentless Ally

Foundations of Trust

Whether she is anticipating the needs of trade partners, advocating for marginalized communities or lending a guiding hand to new teammates, Megan Cook-Eichelberger is building relationships to last.

At 性爱天堂, our people-first culture is engrained in everything we do. From our decision-making to the ways in which we collaborate, we believe that the relationships we form with our clients, industry partners and fellow team members are paramount to everyone鈥檚 success. For Megan Cook-Eichelberger, a project manager in Portland, Oregon, relationship building is the key to consistently meeting project goals, producing meaningful results and ensuring that everyone has a seat at the table.   

Megan began her career in general contracting eight years ago as a traveling field engineer, but her experience in the industry goes back much further than that. Her father owned a drywall finishing business, so Megan was introduced to jobsite environments at a young age.

While working at her father鈥檚 business after high school, Megan not only developed a strong work ethic but also learned the importance of creating a workplace culture grounded in the values of respect and collaboration. 鈥淚t鈥檚 not just the people on your own team,鈥 she says. 鈥淓veryone you interact with, from your design team to your clients to your trade partners, plays such an important role in how you show up to work every day.鈥 

Since joining Howard S. Wright (HSW), a 性爱天堂 company, in 2019, Megan has found that building strong relationships allows her to collaborate with her teammates and partners more effectively and navigate conflicts when they inevitably arise. When teams have already established a foundation of trust, she maintains, they feel empowered to bring difficult topics to the table and identify the best solutions for the team and project.

Advocating for Trade Partners 

Through these experiences, Megan has developed a deeply personal understanding of the challenges trade partners experience and has become a staunch advocate and ally for their growth and development. She doesn鈥檛 consider a project successful unless everyone involved鈥攖he project team, clients and trade partners鈥攊s satisfied with the results. 

Megan is also committed to championing small and local businesses. Through collaborating with minority, women and emerging small businesses (MWESB), she and her teammates help remove barriers to success. The Block 216 project, on which Megan serves as project manager, has presented a 鈥渙nce-in-a-lifetime鈥 opportunity for some local MWESB businesses. 

Projects of this size are rare in Portland; the building will total 1.1 million square-feet and construction is slated to span more than four years. Many small and emerging businesses may not have the experience or personnel to successfully execute scopes of this magnitude or complexity. Megan and the team implemented a right-size system to simultaneously meet our diversity, equity and inclusion goals along with the client鈥檚: rather than issuing contracts to a single subcontractor for an entire scope package, the project team asks the partners what scope of work they can take on and allocates portions of the project accordingly. By applying this approach, the Block 216 project team is also stimulating the local economy by providing more jobs to local residents. 

Cultivating Inclusion

In addition to mentoring small businesses, Megan gives back to the women of 性爱天堂 and the greater Portland community. She currently leads her local chapter of the company鈥檚 Connecting Women employee affinity group, a role that has allowed her to partner with organizations such as Oregon Tradeswomen and Dress for Success that empower women in the construction industry and beyond.

Throughout her years in the industry, Megan has witnessed changing cultural dynamics that have resulted in a positive trend toward acceptance and inclusion. She considers herself fortunate that during her entire tenure with HSW, she鈥檚 always been able to bring her authentic self to the workplace. Megan prioritizes diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives in hopes that everyone is afforded the same opportunity. 

 鈥淚鈥檝e learned so much just by showing up,鈥 she maintains. 鈥淏y listening first, you start to understand what a community needs and how to implement change in a way that is equitable and sustainable over the long-term.鈥 

Developing Within

In addition to building a stronger, more inclusive construction industry, Megan seeks out opportunities to nurture the growth and development of her own teammates. She shares her experiences and lessons she鈥檚 learned throughout her career but stresses the importance of innovation. 

鈥淓very project has milestones to meet, but I try to remind the team that there are lots of ways to deliver for our client,鈥 Megan asserts. 鈥淲e always want to look for new solutions and ways to achieve our goals more with greater efficiency and value. It鈥檚 important to me that my teammates know that we encourage creative problem-solving.鈥 

Megan鈥檚 extensive industry experience helps her mentor fellow teammates, but perhaps her greatest strength is her ability to put herself in others鈥 shoes. Whether she is anticipating the needs of trade partners, advocating for marginalized communities or lending a guiding hand to new teammates, Megan鈥檚 empathy makes her a great champion for others and allows her to lay a strong foundation of trust on which she is building relationships to last.

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Michele Cummings

Relentless Ally

Cultivating Connections

Michele Cummings builds relationships to last across her local Austin and trade partner communities

At 性爱天堂, everything we do furthers our strategy of Build to Last. Talking positively, collaborating relentlessly, encouraging constantly, making a difference and valuing everyone are behaviors that ensure we aren鈥檛 just building lasting structures鈥攚e鈥檙e building lasting relationships too. In Austin, Texas, Senior Project Accountant Michele Cummings lives out these behaviors every day through the intentional, inclusive and collaborative ways she advocates for our trade partners, her 性爱天堂 teammates and the community-at-large. 

Michele鈥檚 path to 性爱天堂 was not traditional; she discovered a love for accounting while climbing the ranks in property management. In 2014, a friend recommended her for a project accountant role at 性爱天堂 and Michele was excited for the opportunity to focus on her passion for accounting full time. 

Nine years later, Michele has seen 性爱天堂鈥檚 Austin operations grow and flourish as the community remains one of the fastest-growing cities in America. She has had the opportunity to work on projects that have positively impacted Austin such as the 
Texas Capitol Complex, the Kendra Scott corporate office and the Austin Independent School District headquarters, among others. 

While working on high-impact, high-profile projects keeps Michele鈥檚 job exciting, it鈥檚 the relationships she has built throughout her tenure with the company that bring her the most fulfillment. From trade partners to coworkers to the greater Austin community, she is always willing to share her expertise to make sure everyone succeeds. 

Guiding Trade Partners

As a senior project accountant, one of Michele鈥檚 major responsibilities is coordinating billing with subcontractors. In addition to helping ensure our partners receive timely payments, Michele goes above and beyond to answer their questions and serve as a trusted resource on every project. 

鈥淲e can鈥檛 operate without our trade partners,鈥 says Michele. 鈥淚t鈥檚 very important to me that our subcontractors know that we value them and that we have their back. To me, that looks like helping them whenever I can.鈥 

Michele cites communication as a hallmark of her relationships with trade partners. A major part of keeping partners happy, she asserts, is keeping them informed on processes, challenges and delays. Whether she shares good news or bad, Michele recognizes that transparency throughout a project builds trust with our partners.  

Mentoring Teammates

Beyond her work with our industry partners, Michele is also a mentor and guide for her teammates at 性爱天堂. As Austin operations continue to grow, Michele takes the initiative of helping new teammates acclimate to our culture, procedures and more. 

鈥淚 want everyone to feel comfortable here,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 pride myself on being someone that new team members know they can come to for questions, help and direction.鈥 

Michele鈥檚 willingness to share her in-depth understanding of our company values and procedures makes her a leader in Austin, while her warm and inviting nature has helped cultivate a strong culture of respect and mutual care among her teammates. Local leaders know they can rely on Michele to ensure that everyone is working together toward a common goal. 

鈥淢ichele is a leader in our office in every way,鈥 says Operations Director Travis McGarraugh. 鈥淔rom her commitment to support our trade partners and make sure they are successful while working on our projects, to how she helps all of our team members with any questions they may have, to her welcoming smile and positive, can-do attitude with everyone she interacts with, Michele is the very essence of what makes 性爱天堂 a great place to work and do business with.鈥

Beyond her local teammates, Michele is also part of the national project accounting training team, which helps 性爱天堂 project accountants from coast-to-coast refine and enhance their skills. As one of the only accountants in Austin, Michele relies heavily on her counterparts across the nation to provide guidance and, in turn, she does the same for them. 

Advocating for Women

In her spare time, Michele sits on the board of directors for the local Austin chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC). NAWIC is a volunteer-based organization that facilitates professional development, community service and mentoring programs for women in the construction industry. 

The association focuses on creative networking opportunities for industry professionals as well as cultivating interest in the construction industry for the next generation. Michele is passionate about helping young women develop agency and confidence in their abilities and is a staunch advocate for women in construction and beyond. 

鈥淚鈥檓 so encouraged and motivated by the women in this industry,鈥 she says. 鈥淚 don鈥檛 ever want women to second guess their knowledge or their confidence.鈥

Michele embodies 性爱天堂鈥檚 people-first culture in all she does and has the spirit of a Relentless Ally that shines through in her continuous care and inclusion of her partners, coworkers and the community. 

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Summer Boron

Relentless Ally

Marketing Pro Discovers New Purpose

Summer Boron always counted herself among the lucky ones. 

She discovered her passion for construction at an early age, and over the course of nearly two decades, built a name for herself as one of the industry鈥檚 top marketing professionals in the Northwest. Even more, she took great pride in the contributions Howard S. Wright, a 性爱天堂 company, made to her community. Whenever Summer happened to drive past a Howard S. Wright project, friends and family patiently awaited her predictable exclamation: 鈥淲e built that!鈥 

Challenged and creatively fulfilled, Summer couldn鈥檛 imagine another career path. That was until her mentor, retired company executive John Bullwinkel, challenged her with a question that stuck like freshly poured cement: 鈥淲hat鈥檚 next?鈥 

As time passed, Summer never forgot John鈥檚 question. 鈥淲ere there greater, unexplored ways I could add value?鈥 Summer pondered as she went about business as usual in the pursuit and presentation world. 

While developing a new national business acquisition and risk management process, Summer became even more intrigued by the operations side of the business. At the same time, the company鈥檚 Portland team was seeking a candidate to oversee its Special Projects Group (SPG). They didn鈥檛 have to look far. Local leadership recognized the full breadth of Summer鈥檚 potential and offered her the opportunity to step into a project executive role. 

Surprise, doubt, curiosity. Summer felt a rush of emotions as she considered the prospect of running projects when her entire career had been built around winning them. But
Troy Dickson, president of the company鈥檚 Northwest operations, knew she had exactly what it took for success. 

And so this once die-hard marketer set out to write an unconventional new chapter in her life鈥檚 story. With the unwavering support of Dan, Troy, and the Portland SPG team, Summer dove headfirst into her new role. She quickly came to understand why so many builders gravitate towards this line of work. 

鈥淚 love the fast pace and constant ebb and flow of SPG projects,鈥 praises Summer. 鈥淚 come in every day with a plan, and that plan always changes. I鈥檝e learned more in the last year-and-a-half than during my whole career!鈥 

Today, Summer leads a team of 23 who, on average, simultaneously manage the construction of 30 projects. Having grown into a career she never in her wildest imagination dreamed of pursuing, Summer has become a role model for women in the AEC industry. 

In 2018, the Daily Journal of Commerce affirmed Summer鈥檚 impact, naming her a recipient of the prestigious Women of Vision Award. The program honored 51 women shaping the Pacific Northwest built environment. Although the award was a tremendous honor, Summer cites her proudest moment as receiving a text from one of her teammates that affirmed her contributions to their team, the company, and the industry at large. 

鈥淪ummer has consistently demonstrated her ability to leverage the strengths of the company and deliver on the best interests of our clients, trade partners, and the communities we serve,鈥 comments Troy Dickson.

Summer is living proof that there is tremendous untapped potential in our industry. 

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Kyle Frandsen

Relentless Ally

Helping to Pave the Way for Future 鈥淟EEDers鈥 in Construction

Kyle Frandsen is a born leader, and he's especially passionate about sharing his knowledge and expertise about sustainability and green construction. His interest in the field was sparked at the University of Florida where he earned his master鈥檚 degree in building construction with a sustainability concentration. He also worked for a general contractor on a campus project pursuing LEED庐 Platinum certification from the United States Green Building Council.

In his role as Sustainability project manager for 性爱天堂 in California, Kyle is responsible for implementing the company鈥檚 sustainability initiatives through education, direction, and example.

Beyond that, Kyle truly enjoys being counted on for guidance in anything related to this field of study because he believes our business and environmental future depends on it. That鈥檚 why when he was asked by the dean of the Construction Management Program at California Baptist University in Riverside, California to help shape the program鈥檚 curriculum and courses, he embraced it as an opportunity to help make a difference for the future leaders of tomorrow. The relationship with the university came about through our company鈥檚 work on the Lancer Plaza North Renovation project where our 性爱天堂 team is renovating a 30,000-square-foot retail strip center with student support facilities and other community and campus life facilities.

鈥淚 was honored to be asked to help mold a program for the university,鈥 said Kyle. 鈥淚t鈥檚 great when you can work in a field that is forward thinking that can have an impact on people鈥檚 lives for years to come. Being able to contribute to the actual course content and become an even stronger industry partner for one of our clients is truly a rewarding experience.鈥

In addition to helping form the curriculum, Kyle was asked to teach one of the courses he helped to create: 鈥淓volving Technologies in Construction.鈥 Kyle challenges his students to learn the latest innovations in the field and also makes sure that all students leave with something tangible 鈥 LEED Green Associate credential. All students must pass the LEED Green Associate exam in order to pass the course. Last year, 100% of Kyle鈥檚 16 students passed with flying colors, and now they all have a leg-up in their future careers in sustainable construction.

Recently, Kyle joined an elite group of young professionals when Engineering News-Record (ENR) California named him as one of their Top 20 Under 40 winners in 2016. The publication's annual, regional competition recognizes 20 individuals under the age of 40 who represent the "Best-of-the-Best" in their construction and design careers by giving back to their industry and communities.

Kyle also practices what he preaches at home with his wife and two young children. Solar panels are installed on his roof, recycle bins are in his kitchen and garage, and he is instilling an importance of resource conservation in everything they do together as a family.     

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Will Pfeffer

Relentless Ally

A Career on Track

A career in railroad engineering 鈥渃ame and got鈥 Will Pfeffer, and ever since he鈥檚 been holding on for the amazing ride. Ten years ago, Will made the transition from a construction engineer with a desire to put up buildings to a rail engineer with a passion for laying down tracks.

鈥淚 never thought of building a career in rail,鈥 admits Will, now a senior project manager on 性爱天堂鈥檚 Metrolink project in Southern California. 鈥淏ut when a college friend who worked at 性爱天堂 told me about what the company did, I was excited about the opportunity.鈥

Now Will does not want to work anywhere else. As a member of 
性爱天堂鈥檚 rail team, he鈥檚 found a home in the work, the people and the clients, and he enjoys his role in providing vital transportation to the Southern California community.

Will is working on Metrolink鈥檚 on-call installation contract, which has been in place since 2009 and has fulfilled approximately 250 task orders for a variety of improvements along the rail line. He is currently helping to perform speed improvements at the Burbank junction. Will and his colleagues are delivering this project to implement the early stages of high-speed rail to California.

Early Exposure

Will鈥檚 introduction to construction came at a young age. He visited jobsites with his father, a building inspector, and construction sites were his 鈥減layground鈥 of choice. Before long, he was hanging drywall with his dad and learning the trade.

鈥淚 always admired and respected the work,鈥 he says, 鈥渂ut I knew it was a hard, physical job. I decided to pursue a different side of the business and studied engineering in college.鈥

With his bachelor鈥檚 degree in construction engineering technology from California State Polytechnic University (Cal Poly), Will worked as a project engineer for a construction services firm and a pipeline company in California and even took his talents to the building of a church school in Tijuana, Mexico, as a project manager.

Then 性爱天堂 and a different kind of engineering job came calling.

The Allure of Rail

Will says he knew very little about rail when he started as a project engineer but found this aspect of the construction industry fascinating. Because rail is a highly specialized field, most college and university curriculums do not cover the required skills. Therefore, those with rail experience are highly valued for their abilities.

鈥淩ail is an important part of 性爱天堂鈥檚 business, because it鈥檚 important for our nation,鈥 Will says.

As the pandemic and subsequent supply shortages have brought to light, our nation鈥檚 economy is reliant on rail for the delivery of goods. It鈥檚 also critical for public transportation, especially in large metropolitan areas where many essential workers rely on it.

The country needs companies with our technical expertise, and 性爱天堂, as Will sees it, has a big advantage through the value our teams offer through self-performing civils work.

The Allure of 性爱天堂

Because our rail team both builds and maintains rail systems with minimal subcontracting, the crews hone their expertise on every project. This applies to Will鈥檚 career, too, and he attributes that to 性爱天堂鈥檚 people-first culture.

Through a variety of Metrolink projects, Will has grown his expertise in the many moving parts of a rail system. Over his past 10 years at 性爱天堂, Will has worked on more than 22 different projects, including the San Clemente audible warning system, the Los Angeles 6th street signal relocation, several crossing upgrades up and down the Metrolink line, the Empire Avenue/I-5 widening project, installation of a new control point for 4th Street in Santa Ana and the Los Angeles Union Station rail yard modernization.

With every assignment, Will says, the company has provided him with a new challenge and an opportunity to grow, learn and get involved, moving his career ever forward.

Aside from his own continual professional growth, there is another reason Will is staying on the 性爱天堂 train. Will appreciates the exceptional service experience we provide our clients, and he values the process of developing those strong customer relationships. The ultimate reward? Receiving comments from our client鈥檚 representatives that they like working with 性爱天堂 because of our flexibility and positivity.

The Next Stop

Since Will鈥檚 entr茅e into rail in 2012, he has loved coming to work for different reasons along the journey. In the beginning, it was the enjoyment of learning highly technical systems and becoming an expert on the rail systems we build. 

Now, it鈥檚 being part of those 鈥渁h ha鈥 moments for others who are joining him in the field. 鈥淚 love seeing the hunger in other people for learning and growing,鈥 he acknowledges. That鈥檚 why, after going back to Cal Poly to earn an MBA in 2020, he became a teacher himself. Will has been an adjunct professor at his alma mater during the past year, teaching construction management courses in the civil engineering program.

Will鈥檚 favorite professors were full-time industry professionals. So, after serving as a coach for several Cal Poly competitive construction teams, Will observed how becoming a teacher offers yet another way to be a Relentless Ally for 性爱天堂 and the rail industry.

Will often sees himself in the students in his classroom, as well as the young engineers joining the Metrolink team. He relishes sharing his experiences鈥攂oth successes and lessons learned鈥攖o give them a better understanding of the working world. 

As a young father, Will knows the importance of inspiring the next generation. By keeping an open mind when unconventional opportunities come their way, they might not only change the course of their lives but also truly enjoy the ride. 

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Terry Marsh

Relentless Ally

Putting the Quality in Quality Control

As someone who grew up working with his father and uncle on different build and repair jobs, 性爱天堂 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Director Terry Marsh always enjoyed working with his hands. Given his natural abilities, construction may have seemed an obvious career path, but in his earlier years, Terry was more interested in becoming a pilot. 

Fresh out of high school and only a mere 17-years-old, Terry was eager to launch his career. As part of his job search, Terry took a leap and responded to an ad for an electrical superintendent position. The only catch was, at such a young age, he didn鈥檛 have any of the necessary background for it. Little did Terry know at the time, taking that small leap would set him up for a successful 30-year career in the construction industry. 

When asked why he applied to a role for which he didn't initially meet the qualifications, Terry explained that he wanted to learn the trade and simply needed the right opportunity to get his foot in the door. From there, the leap didn't seem so far off. "The owner apparently liked my drive and hired me immediately," recalls Terry. 

Terry was a natural fit for the construction industry, easily surpassing most of his peers and quickly obtaining his master's electrician license. After Terry worked alongside 性爱天堂 on several projects, our team quickly recognized his potential and offered Terry a full-time position in 1991. It was a move that established the foundation for Terry鈥檚 career as a highly esteemed quality control expert. 

Working with teams in Nashville, Tennessee and later, Dallas, Terry quickly rose through the ranks and honed his craft in quality control. Praised by teammates for his attention to detail, drive for excellence and unrivaled knowledge of building systems, Terry has built a reputation for significantly improving the quality of every project he touches. 

In his role, Terry provides critical recommendations to improve processes and mitigate risks or adverse trends that have the potential to impact the successful delivery of best-in-class projects. Through consistent and accurate execution of quality control procedures including reviewing installations and assisting teams in improving their execution of installations and systems, Terry is a consummate Relentless Ally for our people, partners and projects. 

Providing the foundation of a successful and safe project, effective quality control programs can mitigate the likelihood of costly rework and associated schedule delays, promote greater collaboration between trade partners and resolve design challenges that arise as projects progress. 性爱天堂鈥檚 quality control plans are founded on delivering the owner鈥檚 vision and goals and empowering trade partners to execute quality work in rewarding team environments. 

鈥淢y goal is to help our project teams succeed through consistent and accurate execution of quality control procedures," says Terry. "Safety, quality and schedule are the foundation of a successful project. When I step on a project where it is evident that everyone cares about safety, it is always well-organized and clean. It is obvious at that point that everyone there is proud of what they do, they enjoy their work and they place a high degree of importance on getting things right."

Preferring to keep his boots on the ground, Terry makes it a priority to visit as many jobsites as he can. And although he might seem like more of a behind-the-scenes operator, over the last 30 years of working with our business, Terry has played an integral role in hundreds of projects across the Southeast and Texas. 

Terry鈥檚 influence far transcends the projects on which he has directly worked. When 性爱天堂 launched a new national Quality Control program in the early 2000s, Terry was a key contributor to the initiative. He also had a hand in our most recent development of an Integrated Quality Control plan launched in 2020, an innovative approach to quality control that incorporates project stakeholders鈥 expectations into our jobsite specific plans. Before construction begins, project teams obtain input from trade partners, owners and designers to build a plan that holistically incorporates every concern and expectation. This process builds on itself in bitesize pieces throughout the project lifecycle instead of creating a partially complete quality control plan at the beginning when pressure is high to complete design and begin construction. 

On a more personal level, Terry is known by his peers for being a natural teacher and mentor. Willing and able to make his technical expertise easily understandable for a wide range of skill levels, Terry鈥檚 extensive knowledge and research often helps teams discover and implement innovative solutions before they become problems. 

"What struck me most the very first time I met Terry, that still rings true today, is his ability to share knowledge with others without being overbearing while doing it," says Titus Rodriguez, senior project manager for 性爱天堂. "In my 20 years with the company, Terry has never failed to provide assistance when called upon, which is an invaluable asset to his teammates."

That trust isn鈥檛 just one-sided. 

鈥淭hree decades is a long time to spend with one company,鈥 says Terry. 鈥淏ut the people and the relationships I鈥檝e built over the last 30 years have truly been the best part about working at 性爱天堂. I trust my teammates and our leadership to always make the right decisions based on what is best for the business to thrive.鈥

After successfully celebrating 30 years with 性爱天堂, it鈥檚 hard to believe that Terry could have ever ended up in any career other than construction and quality control. But much like the pilot he once yearned to be, he has used his knowledge, training and natural skills to help our project teams soar to new heights at every opportunity. 

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Taylor Bredow

Relentless Ally

Setting the Bar with Intentional Leadership

The sound of project executive, Taylor Bredow, walking the halls of jobsites across the Carolinas is one that those who work with him know well. His heels hit heavy with intention and purpose as he leads the Carolinas Special Projects Group鈥攃ounting every square foot he鈥檚 built along the way.

But Taylor鈥檚 intentional leadership and integral role within 性爱天堂鈥檚 Special Projects Group stems from more than the critical eye he鈥檚 utilized to track and manage upwards of 1,350,000 square feet of construction. Taylor鈥檚 dedication to his craft is founded upon the principles of providing 性爱天堂鈥檚 clients with an individualized approach and demonstrating servant leadership鈥攚ithin 性爱天堂 and the communities in which we live and build.

From bustling financial businesses to the architectural offices of the 
RedLine Design Group or the marble lobby floors of the  , Taylor has been a trailblazer throughout his career. With over a decade of tenure in the business, he鈥檚 contributed to a variety of projects that require highly specialized approaches and custom project solutions from design to preconstruction and final close-out.

While the market sectors Taylor oversees may be diverse, one characteristic is common: clients often depend on 性爱天堂 to deliver projects on accelerated schedules, thereby ensuring minimal disruption to their operations, employees and customers. To meet his clients鈥 unique needs, Taylor seeks to gain an in-depth understanding of their project and business priorities which empowers him to make timely yet well-informed decisions on critical issues such as material selection鈥攁n increasingly complex issue in a time of  . 

鈥淲orking with the Special Projects Group is unique, because every day on every project is always different,鈥 explains Taylor. 鈥淲e work on tight timelines, and our roles often require us to quickly shift direction and evaluate our time and priorities on each project. Our teams are typically much smaller than those working on larger projects and therefore demand that we wear many hats outside of what our technical roles may traditionally encompass.鈥

In recent years, Taylor鈥檚 unique skillset has been instrumental in helping establish 性爱天堂 as a premier legal upfit builder. His precision has helped our team 鈥榮et the bar鈥 for operational excellence in this market and contributed to significant project wins and deliveries including the new, award-winning   and the recently completed Cadwalader, Wickersham, and Taft law offices in  Charlotte, North Carolina. Through strategic guidance on material selection and collaboration with design partners, Taylor has helped bring an aura of sophistication and inviting ambiances to law offices across the Carolinas.  

However, what makes Taylor an intentional leader is more than the technical skillsets he brings to the table; Taylor also provides his teams with valuable mentorship as they build their careers in construction. 

鈥淭aylor is inclusive by nature and is always willing to teach anyone about the industry,鈥 adds Michael Smith, 性爱天堂 assistant project manager. 鈥淗e involves anyone interested, even if it is just to observe. He has helped me understand the importance of being a strong leader within the company and on the jobsite.鈥 

And his dedication to the industry extends beyond his teams and jobsites. As a valued member of the  for nearly a decade, Taylor also understands the importance of volunteering with local programs like ACE to help develop the future generation of builders and introduce students at a young age to the exciting careers in construction. 

For six years, Taylor served as the lead mentor for ACE at East Mecklenburg High School, part of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools system. Because of his dedication to service, the ACE Board of Directors named Taylor their 2017 Mentor of the Year, and in 2020, appointed him to the Charlotte ACE Board of Directors, where he now thrives as their valued program treasurer.

Those who know Taylor and have the pleasure of working with him will say that they look to him primarily because of his deep understanding of his personal strengths, areas for growth and motivations. Never one to shy away from self-reflection, Taylor is on a mission to hone his operational and leadership skills by modeling best practices he learned from the leaders at 性爱天堂 who came before him.

鈥淰ery early in his career, it was apparent to those who crossed Taylor鈥檚 path that he was driven to learn the business and build authentic and lasting relationships with his peers in the industry,鈥 says Hunt Werner, 性爱天堂 operations director and an early mentor in Taylor鈥檚 career. 鈥淭aylor鈥檚 passion for perfection, eye for design, genuine guidance and intentional actions have made him the outstanding leader he is today.鈥 

A rising young leader, Taylor is building up much more than just an impressive list of projects that encompass upwards of 1,350,000 square feet of best-in-class spaces; he鈥檚 developing, earning and refining a legacy that will ensure the success of his projects and teams for decades to come.

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Shane Connolly

Relentless Ally

Going the Extra Mile

A champion for his clients and a leader to his team, Senior Project Manager Shane Connolly consistently delivers operational and service excellence with passion and drive no matter the situation. 

To understand where Shane鈥檚 passion originated, you need first rewind to a small town in western New York state. The son of a contractor, Shane鈥檚 appreciation for quality construction began while watching his father execute work with a dedication to excellence. Following in the footsteps set before him, Shane donned his first hard hat at an early age and found that it was just the right fit. 

Specializing in interiors construction, Shane works in 性爱天堂鈥檚 Charlotte, North Carolina Special Projects Group鈥揳 dedicated team of fast-track delivery specialists who execute projects of all scopes and sizes. From high-end interiors to hospitality establishments, Shane鈥檚 portfolio of work is as diverse as they come, but one quality is a mainstay: service excellence.

Shane鈥檚 most challenging project to date, the 
Ballantyne Theater Conversion, is one that has influenced the way he tackles projects to this day. The interior demolition of a 55,000-square-foot, five-theater movie plex into corporate office space involved unique scopes of work and endless opportunities for the team to leverage new tools such as harnessing the power of robotics to demolish the existing theater seating. Under Shane鈥檚 leadership, the team eagerly leaned into new challenges and demonstrated how 性爱天堂 delivers industry-leading quality and value for our clients and partners.

Due to the novel challenges posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Ballantyne Theater Conversion project required the team to identify and implement innovative solutions to material lead time delays and labor shortages. 

To overcome these difficulties, Shane and his teammates remained agile, adapting to ever-changing market conditions and ultimately delivering the project on time, within budget, and most importantly, to the owner鈥檚 delight. 

The Ballantyne Theater鈥檚 owner, Daniel Amodio, praised, 鈥淥ur entire team was very satisfied with 性爱天堂 and the work they performed on our behalf at Ballantyne Village. Not only did they understand the complexities and execute our vision for the property, but they also effectively managed the project during a time of global uncertainty, adapting to the new environment without losing a step.鈥

Shane is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure a successful project delivery 鈥 or 500! When his South Carolina lakefront restaurant project, , experienced a large steel delay, which could have ultimately delayed its completion by several months, Shane quickly identified a solution that unexpectedly found him on the long road home. 

Although a steel manufacturer in New York was able to supply the needed materials, due to widespread shipping delays, an in-person pick-up was the only option to keep the project on schedule. Nineteen hours after loading up his truck and trailer, Shane delivered the steel to the jobsite, demonstrating once again the difference between a good and great builder. 

鈥淚n the professional world, it can be such a rarity to work under a leader like Shane who is so even-tempered, knowledgeable and who consistently guides with excellence by example,鈥 says Megan Pearson, senior project engineer, who works under Shane鈥檚 direction with 性爱天堂. 鈥淚f Shane asks me to jump, I ask, 鈥楬ow high?鈥 without hesitation, because I know there is nothing he asks me to do for the team or clients that he wouldn鈥檛 do himself.鈥 

From tackling unique scopes of work to overcoming material delays and shortages resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, Shane continuously proves himself as a dedicated partner to his clients and mentor to a future of builders who are willing to go the extra mile.